Advertisers Skeptical About Google Tag Manager Changes

Google sent out an email to advertisers yesterday about changes coming to Google Tag Manager. Specifically, Google Tag Manager will send events before loading a Google tag and Google calls this a “small change" that "will not harm measurement performance."Honestly, many advertisers are skeptical about why Google is making this change now…The email I received says, "Currently, your Google Tag Manager container(s) (tag-ID-goes-here) sends events before loading a Google tag. Starting April 10, 2025, containers with Google Ads and Floodlight tags will automatically load a Google tag first, before sending events." "This small change improves the reliability of your Google Ads tracking and will not harm measurement performance. For many users, it will increase the volume of measurement data," the email continued to say. Then the email listed these add ons:(1) One-click access to features: Turn on features like Enhanced Conversions, Cross-domain tracking, and Autoevents easily from your Google tag settings page.(2) Smoother data collection: If you’ve agreed to our Customer Data Terms of Service, we’ll automatically enable "User Provided Data" collection across your events. Your Google Tag’s settings, like user-provided data, will apply to events sent by Tag Manager the same way they apply to events sent by in-page code.Google added that they "recommend adding the Google tag to your GTM container to preview the impact of these changes on your accounts. If you take no action, this update will happen automatically on April 10, 2025."Like I said, some advertisers are skeptical about this change – here are some of those:Anthony Higman wrote:Google Tag Manager To Automatically Load Google Tag First Before Sending Events Starting April 10th. Looks Like Their Way Around Enhanced Conversion Tracking?Corey Koehler wonders, "I’ve read it a few times and it seems harmless. Which makes me wonder if somethings up."Govind Singh Panwar asked, "Why is Google pushing Enhanced Conversions so aggressively? It’s making me wonder if something’s off."Efrain Torres wrote, "I am almost positive they are trying to get ahead of the forced Google Chrome sale as well."Samara Hart wrote, "I wonder how de-prioritized they will make other tracking tags like the Meta pixel."Here is a screenshot of the email I received:Forum discussion at X.

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